When your team has completed their work assignments, submitted comments, and uploaded images, Zelos provides comprehensive tools to review their progress and achievements. Let me walk you through how to access and use these features effectively.

A thorough walkthrough of reports on Zelos


Viewing ongoing activities

First, navigate to the Tasks menu and locate the Participants tab. This tab shows everyone who has participated in tasks or picked up shifts. The initial view is interactive - you can click through different items and filter them by status to see what's in progress, completed, or facing issues. For instance, you can quickly identify tasks happening today, check which ones are completed, and spot any problematic cases like team members who didn't show up for their assignments.

Downloading detailed reports

For more detailed analysis, there's a thorough reporting section. Here, you can customize your time frame - whether you want to look at last month's data or set a specific date range. The system allows you to personalize your view by adding or removing columns based on what information matters most to you. You can include custom fields from tasks (like location) and even pull in data from member profiles.

One particularly useful feature is the hours calculation system. For shifts with start and end times, the report automatically calculates the hours worked. It even shows you the difference between planned and actual hours, which is invaluable for tracking productivity and resource allocation. Team members can provide comments explaining any discrepancies between planned and actual hours.

When it comes to task completion, team members can mark their tasks as finished, input their actual hours worked, upload required images as proof of completion, and add comments about their work. All of this information appears in a timeline and feeds into your reports.

The reports have powerful filtering capabilities. You can filter any column in your reports - for example, you might want to see only entries with comments to check for feedback or issues that need addressing. Once you've filtered your view, you can download the data in CSV format for use in other software, whether that's for spreadsheets, payroll, or billing purposes.